A Fishing Story

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THEY had been fishing all night and caught nothing. As they came to shore in the grey dawn, hungry and tired, they saw someone standing on the beach.

"Have you caught anything?"


"Cast your net on the other side," commanded the Stranger, and what a heap of fish they caught! When they got ashore, they saw that He had lit a fire for them, and was cooking fish for their breakfast. It was the Lord Jesus, risen from the dead.

After the meal He asked Peter if he really loved Him. When Peter remembered how he had denied Him, he was afraid to say too much, but in the end he said: "Lord, You know all things. You know that I love You."

What if He asked you that question? He loved you so much that He died on the cross, and shed His precious blood, so that you might be made clean and fit to live with Him in heaven. Can you say : "I love Him because He first loved me"?
