A Water-Pot

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This lady came with her water-pot to the well, to fetch some water, and yet she went away without it. Whatever made her forget her water? Was she not thirsty ? Yes, indeed, but at the well she met Someone, Who gave her water that was not in the well-living water. Once she had tasted that water, she would never be thirsty again.

Who was this Stranger, sitting on the well ? It was Jesus, the Son of God, come down to save sinful men and women, and boys and girls. He offered the lady living water--the water of life. He offers this to you. He died on the cross, and shed His own precious blood so that you (if you trust Him) might have everlasting life. Then you will not be able to keep it to yourself. You will do what the lady did--she left her water-pot, and went to call all the people of the village to see this wonderful Saviour. The living water flowed out to others, and they also believed in Him. Have you drunk of this living water ?
